Jodi Barnes

Protecting your car - Security ONE

How to protect your car when parked outdoors 

Throughout Southwestern Ontario, it’s common for car owners to park their cars outdoors. This could be either on driveways when at home, in parking lots or on the street when they’re at work or shopping. In 2019, over 24,000 cars in Ontario were broken into. Your car is one of your most valuable possessions and a necessity in your day-to-day life, so regardless of where you are parked, it’s important to do what you can to protect your car and belongings. Here are some tips on how to protect your car when parked outdoors.

How to protect your car when parked outdoors  Read More

Is London Safe - Security ONE

Is London Ontario safe?

London Ontario is a safe city even though it does have a certain level of crime from time to time. By taking proper safeguards, all Londoners can live and work safely with minimal security concerns. We at Security ONE always strive for improved safety for our

Is London Ontario safe? Read More

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