How to Arm or Disarm your system?

Arm or Disarm your system using your Control Panel

The Ready to Arm screen on your Control Panel allows you to arm your panel in stay or away mode:

disarmed Security panel UI
arm away vs arm stay

Arm and disarm your system using the app

To arm or disarm your system, follow the instructions below.

  1. From your mobile app or web portal dashboard, go to your Security System card.
  2. If your system is not armed, select the shield icon to Arm. You will be given additional options when arming:
    • Silent Arming: By default, when you arm your system, the panel makes exit delay beeps. Silent Arming allows you to arm the system without any noise.
    • No Entry Delay: Once armed, the system will bypass the entry delay that normally occurs when an entry/exit zone is activated.
    • Note: As you arm your system through the mobile app, any devices that are currently active (i.e. a door is open or a motion sensor is active) will be automatically bypassed.
    • Note: Your system will arm instantly, without exit delay.
  3. Once the system is armed, select the shield icon to Disarm.

On the mobile app:

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Laura Thurston
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