Watch Your Online Posting

Woohoo! 8 days and counting!

Mexico Here I come!

Here’s me on Beach!

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We’ve seen these posts come up in our feeds. You may even have posted something similar yourself! With March Break just around the corner, many people are planning vacations away from all this snow, but beware of the dangers of posting these type of posts online.

They seem harmless, but when you make that kind of post, you’re really saying this to the world, “In eight days from today, my house will be empty for AT LEAST seven days, and I’ll be so far away, that I won’t be able to do anything about it.”

One of the most common ways that criminals use social media to commit crimes is by researching when people won’t be home and taking this opportunity to break into their properties.

The way algorithms on social media sites work can make your post visible to friends-of-your-friends. And to be honest, most people have “friends” on their profiles that are acquaintances at best. Do you REALLY know 623 people – that you consider to be a friend?


By sharing holiday plans in real-time online, you let criminals know that you’ll be out of town for a while. They can use this information to rob your home when they know you won’t be around.

It’s much safer to share vacation details after the fact, once you have arrived home safely. Tell individual friends and family members in person the dates that you’ll be away, but don’t post the details online.



Finally, with our award-winning app, Total Connect, from Honeywell, you can stay connected to your home in REAL TIME, accessing video surveillance and confirming the status of your security system. To learn more about this fantastic service, call 1-800-265-5317 or just CLICK HERE.

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Jodi Barnes
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