Total Connect Video: Lost & Found

As an authorized member of Honeywell’s First Alert Professional Security Dealer program, we came across this great story of woman in the States who found her son’s cat using Total Connect. Katie Tarbox of Spruce Head, ME had a Honeywell Total Connect video surveillance system installed for her home. Originally meant to protect her home and her property from intruders, she came across another use for the system when her son’s cat went missing.

iPhone4_held_TC20_blurKatie was cat-sitting for her son while he and his family were away. It wasn’t long before the cat went missing. After turning the house upside down to look for the cat, she says she even tried leaving the back open – just in case it got out. Then she checked the video motion event log on her Total Connect app.

Sure enough, she saw the cat on the surveillance video, happy as could be, leave the house and go out into the garage to curl up for little cat-nap. The next time they saw the cat in person, he was meowing at the garage door to be let back into the house as if nothing were wrong.

Security ONE Total Connect can not only add another layer of security to your system, but it also connects you to the things that matter most to you. Stay on the go… and in the know!

To learn more about Total Connect, call us at 1-800-265-5317 or visit CLICK HERE.


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Jodi Barnes
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