There are so many unknowns at this point about what is yet to come. We are being told to isolate and when possible work from home. Our businesses are being closed temporarily and we have a work force aware that this situation may lead to a state of unemployment.
Having a monitored alarm system has always been a priority for home and businesses,and now is the time to ensure that you have adequate security.
Cameras have a very practical use at this time for HR Management as companies need to closely monitor who is coming and going from the business to prevent the spread of this devastating virus.
Remote access provides you with awareness when you are closed up and offsite.
Existing cameras can also be configured for proactive video solutions. This allows for third party monitoring so criminal and health and safety activities can be verified and prioritized by your monitor station and the appropriate first responders.
Access control is also another instrumental technology providing real-time notifications and allowing for Realtime reporting on who is entering your business during this outbreak. Companies can control who has access. Knowing when and where is critical information for business owners and management.
For those with existing alarm systems now is a wise time to assess what you have in place. Does your system have what it needs and is it working properly and able to communicate with you and your monitoring station effectively? Consult with an expert.
A couple reminders for those with monitored systems at home and business:
Arm your system in stay mode when you are onsite. This will protect you and staff if you have to be at work and will deter anyone from entering without staff being notified.
Arm your system in away mode when you are offsite. This activates motions as well as contacts and glass break and shock sensors.
Life safety devices like smoke, carbon monoxide and flood are always active and monitoring allows you to know when any of those situations become a crisis.
Your safety and piece of mind at home and at your business is always our focus and we are here to help provide information and service during this difficult time.
We are here to educate and support homes and business in our Ontario community and can be reached at 1-800-265-5317