Summer Safety

Summer is the is top season for moving, and the top season for leaving the house to go exploring. But, it’s also the top season for home break-ins. Here are tips to make your home, new or old, less inviting to would-be criminals.
1. Install a home security system
If your new place doesn’t already have a security system we can help. From traditional home burglary systems to smart security systems to video surveillance, Security ONE has you covered.

2. Secure the garage
Burglars always look for the easiest way to get into a home, which is often the garage. Always keep your garage door locked, and use a quality, heavy-duty lock.
3. Keep the yard tidy
Overgrown bushes, trees, and shrubs are easy places for criminals to hide. A well kept yard also indicates someone is usually home. Install motion lights for added security at night.
4. Don’t broadcast your plans
Planning a vacation this summer? While it’s fun to brag about vacations on social media, you should keep it under wraps. Don’t advertise to the world that your house will be empty during your vacation. Wait until you’re safely back at home to share the details of your awesome trip.

5. Ask your neighbors for help
Neighbors can be a great thing. When you move in, introduce yourself to your neighbors. If you’re going to be out of town for any length of time, let them know. Tell them you’ll keep an eye on their house when they’re away, and ask if they’ll keep an eye on yours. Offer to trade chores like bringing in the mail or cutting the lawn.
6. Don’t leave valuables outside
After a long day working in the yard, it is easy to leave your garden tools out until you’ve completely finished. But leaving valuable items in the yard is an invitation to criminals and it makes their jobs easy. The same goes  for your kids with their bikes and toys. Always put your valuable items away when you’re done using them for the day.
7. Don’t keep keys outside
You may think you’re being sneaky by hiding a key under the doormat, but that’s the first place any criminal is going to look. Invest in a proper lock box and leave spare key with a trusted neighbor, friend, or family member.
8. Shut the windows
Lastly, though it may be tempting to open the windows and keep them open on a beautiful day, don’t. Even if you think you’ll only be gone for a few minutes, always close and lock all windows when you leave the house.

For a no obligation security evaluation, or for help with a security system, call 1-800-265-5317 or CLICK HERE!

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Jodi Barnes
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