The security at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia – where Canadian men and women defended hockey gold! – was said to be one of the most secure Olympic games ever.
We broke down the enormous security plan:
• 40,000 law enforcement officials, including police and the Russian Armed Forces
• A Presidential Decree signed by President Vladimir Putin required that any protests and demonstrations in Sochi be approved by the Federal Security Service
• Travel restrictions were in effect in and around Sochi: A “controlled” zone, dubbed the “ring of steel”, covered the Coastal and Mountain areas where the Games’ venues were.
• Several areas are designated as “forbidden”, including Sochi National Park
• An unmanned aerial vehicle squadron, along with S-400 and Pantsir-S1 air defense rockets protected Olympic airspace
• Four gunboats were also deployed on the Black Sea to protect the coastline
• Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations was stationed in Sochi for the Games
• 10,000 Internal Troops of the Ministry of Interior provided security services
• 1,500 Siberian Regional Command troops were stationed nearby.
• The 58th Army unit of the Russian Armed Forces defended the Georgia-Russia border
• The United States supplied Navy ships and other assets for security purposes
While you will never need a security plan that resembles that of the Olympics, it does illustrate the importance of having a well thought out security plan. To schedule a free no-obligation security evaluation of your home call 1-800-265-5317 or just CLICK HERE.