How do I arm/disarm my Security ONE Sirix system?

Once you are logged into your Immix app, you will be brought to the Incidents page. From here you can select the Arm/Disarm option towards the bottom of the screen.

Sirix Arming 1

If you do not have a login for the Immix app, please contact or 1-800-265-5317 Ext 7002 and they will be able to get you assistance in figuring out this information.

Select your site from this page and you will have a list of your cameras under the name of your site. Site name shown below (Red) and list of cameras (Yellow).

Sirix Arming step 2

From here you can select the site name and you will be asked if you want to arm or disarm the whole site. You can select Yes or No. If you see the name of a specific camera, you have selected the wrong option. You never want to arm or disarm specific cameras and only want to do this for the whole site as this will disrupt accurate monitoring.

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Laura Thurston
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