Dumb Criminal

We just LOVE stories of Dumb Criminals, and this one’s a doozy! We found this guy in England…

Bumbling Zach Jackson, 19, will be wishing he just made a mental note after his list found its way into officers’ hands and contained other such words of wisdom as ‘warm up before doing it’.

Dumb Burglar_7 7 2014-1

Jackson assaulted his victim, also 19, and stole her phone when she was returning home from a night out with friends in Blackpool.His victim’s father used her phone signal to track its location before informing the police who, while arresting Jackson, found his step-by-step guide to the crime.

Preston Crown Court was told that Jackson was hiding in a doorway pretending to talk on a phone and attacked the victim when she asked him for a cigarette.

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Jodi Barnes
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