Advanced Protection Logic

Advanced Protection Logic

Security ONE’s Advanced Protection Logic protects our smart security systems from burglars who try to destroy the panel before the siren even sounds. Most security systems are programmed to have an entry delay to allow you time to arm and disarm your system. This APL technology sends a silent alarm to our ULC listed, 5 Diamond certified monitoring station.

What’s more, a wireless security system protects you against criminals that would try to defeat a security system by cutting the wires with a $2 pair of wire cutters.

APL works like this – when the first contact is tripped, a signal is sent to monitoring station. Either an alarm or a successful disarm will follow. If neither is received by the time the entry delay is has lapsed, the silent alarm is sent, and the authorities are dispatched.

In Windsor, ON

It was a Saturday night in July when an intruder brock into a local convenience store in Windsor. The burglar heard the constant beeping of the system’s entry delay and immediately ran over to smash the system. Even by smashing the keypad, the criminal did not defeat the security system. The silent alarm had been sent to the monitoring station and the police were dispatched immediately.

Let our security experts custom design a security solution fit for your specific application. With our 24-hour monitoring, we’re an extra set of eyes and ears when you’re not there. Call us today at 1-800-265-5317 or just CLICK HERE!

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Jodi Barnes
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